Lowongan Kerja PT Summarecon Agung Tbk
Lowongan Kerja PT Summarecon Agung Tbk. Informasi lowongan kerja menjadi salah satu informasi penting bagi para pencari kerja, serta bagi perusahaan. Dimana bagi pencari kerja akan mempermudah jobseeker dalam mencari pekerjaan, dan bagi perusahaan akan mempermudah mendapatkan kadidat atau calon tenaga kerja dalam waktu singkat.
Gokerja.id sebagai salah satu portal online yang berfokus pada media informasi seputar lowongan pekerjaan di Indonesia. Gokerja.id hadir dengan tujuan menjadi salah satu media informasi yang terpercaya. Dimana kami selalu berusahaan menghadirkan informasi seputar lowongan pekerjaan dari sumber-sumber terpercaya seperti HRD perusahaan, website resmi perusahaan, serta media media social terpercaya lainnya baik dari perusahaan resmi atau jasa rekrutment yang memiliki kredibiltas tinggi.
Lowongan Kerja PT Summarecon Agung Tbk
Kali ini gokerja.id sedang ada informasi lowongan kerja dari perusahaan properti “Summarecon”. PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (“Summarecon”) didirikan pada tahun 1975 oleh Bapak Soetjipto Nagaria dan rekan-rekannya untuk melakukan pembangunan dan pengembangan real estate. Dimulai dengan lahan rawa seluas 10 hektar di daerah terpencil Jakarta, para pendiri berhasil mengubah Kelapa Gading menjadi salah satu kawasan perumahan dan komersial paling makmur di Jakarta.
1. Chief Operation
- Handle operational of assigned residential properties to satisfy the requirements of ownership and tenants (Engineering, tenant relation, Housekeepning & Security)
- Minimal Bachelor degree from any major
- Minimal 3 years experience in same position for apartement
- Good communication skill
- Proficient with English and Ms. Office
- Experienced in managing operational residental properties
- Wiling to work sprong
2. Chief Tenant Realtion
- Ensure all complain from tennats can be resolved, maintain relationship with tenants, monitor the operation of tenant relation
- Minimal Bachelor degree from any major
- Minimal 3 years experience in same position for apartement
- Good communication skill
- Proficient with English and Ms. Office
- Experienced in managing complain form tenant
- Willing to work in Bekasi
3. Coordinator- HR & GA
- Responsible for the implementation of the function of HR & GA I. business unit, handle HR & GA problmes that accured in the business uni in accordance with existing rules & regulation
- Min Diploma D3, in any field
- Min 2 years experience in same position
- Understand the job cycle of personel, employement law, and maintenance of assets
- Willing to work in Kelapa gading (A)
4. Coordinator-Tenant Relation
- Ensure all complain from tenants can be resolved maintain relationship with tenants
- Min Diploma D3, in any field
- Min 2 years experience in same position
- Have experience in handling complain
- Willing to work in serpong
5. Coordinator-Engineering
- Planing, managing, monitoring, controlling, evaluating and profiding, completion recommendation for operational process within the scope of maintenance activities manage all angineering operations in the building
- Min Diploma D3, in any field
- Min 2 years experience in same position
- Have pereventive, corrective, maintenance skill and understand procedure for emergency plan in engineering apartment C
- Willing to work in serpong
6. Officer-Safety
- Responsible for all implementation of K3 activities, facilities and infrastructure of building safety and ensure its feasibility and supervise work related to accupational healt safet (K3)
- Minimal Diploma (D3) in any field
- Min 1 years experience in same position
- Have certificare of AK3U is a must
- Proficient with computer and Ms Office
- Willing to work in serpong
7. Officer-Engineering
- Preventive, corrective, maintenance in building, manage all engineering (shift) for the operation
- Minimal Diploma (D3) in any field
- Min 1 years experience in same position
- Have preventive, corrective, correction maintenance
- Proficient with computer and Ms Office
- Willing to work in serpong
8. Officer Tenant Relation
- Handling complain, maintain relationship with tenants
- Minimal Diploma (D3) in any field
- Min 1 years experience in same position
- Have experience in handling complain
- Proficient with computer and Ms Office
- Willing to work in Bekasi
- Willing to work in serpong
9. Officer Finance & Accounting
- Create a bank reconciliation, tax reports, journal transaction and support data to all department for purpose of the financial report
- Minimal Diploma (D3) in any field
- Min 1 years experience in same position
- Familiar with bank reconciliation and accounting system
- Proficient with computer and Ms Office
- Willing to work in Bekasi
10. Technician (Civil)
- Preventive, creative, maintenance, in the building
- Min. senior High School in Engineering E
- Min 1 years experience in same position
- Have experience in civil engineer apartement/Office building
- Willing to work in Bekasi
- Willing to work in serpong
Baca Juga Informasi Lowongan Kerja D3 lainnya
Tata Cara Pendaftaran:
Bagi yang berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan segera kirimkan resume kamu ke emai:
- Submit updated resume to: recruitment_spm@summarecon.com
Hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, karena lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis