Gokerja ID
Beranda LOKER SMA Lowongan Kerja PT Kreasi Bali Prima (Atlas Beach Fest)

Lowongan Kerja PT Kreasi Bali Prima (Atlas Beach Fest)

Lowongan Kerja PT Kreasi Bali Prima (Atlas Beach Fest). PT Kreasi Bali Prima (Atlas Beach Fest) merupakan tempat yang memberikan pengalaman suasana unik, rumah bir, lounge, dan klub malam yang berkonsep profesional.

Informasi lowongan kerja menjadi salah satu informasi penting bagi para pencari kerja, serta bagi perusahaan. Gokerja.id sebagai salah satu portal online yang berfokus pada media informasi seputar lowongan pekerjaan di Indonesia. Gokerja.id hadir dengan tujuan menjadi salah satu media informasi yang terpercaya untuk mempermudah Jobseker mendapat informasi pekerjaan & untuk mempercepat rekruiter mendapatkan kadidat yang sesuai.

Buat kalian para jobseker sebelum melamar baiknya baca dengan baik informasi lowongan kerja yang ada, pahami isinya dan pastikan kalian sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa pula untuk mengikuti tata cara pendaftaran yang telah di tentukan oleh rekruter. Tahapan melamar kerja umumnya ada 3 : Pendaftaran (CV dan kelengkapan sesuai kualifikasi), Seleksi Tes (), dan Tahap akhir . di kelas karir, semua hal, Psikotes dan kunci jawaban interview bisa kalian pelajari didan bisa di order dengan .

Lowongan Kerja PT Kreasi Bali Prima (Atlas Beach Fest)

Berikut ini adalah informasi lowongan kerja dari Atlas Beach Fest, baca dengan baik posisi dan kualifikasi serta tata cara pendaftarannya.


Job Descriptions :

  • Providing outsourcing Talent
  • Providing property for event
  • Ensure all of the event need are fulfilled

Qualifications :

  • Male aged maximum 30 years old
  • Have a car drive license (SIM A)
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

Ability to provide top-notch customer service in a fast-paced environment
A positive attitude and ability to work well under pressure with all restaurant staff
Willing to follow instructions and ask questions for clarification in needed
Able to work in a busy restaurant environment
Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • Restaurant or management experience or more education is generally preferred
  • Strong understanding of business management and accounting principles
  • Excellent computer, problem solving, and customer service skills
  • Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, and ability to diffuse tense situations and resolve conflicts
  • Effectively delegate responsibilities and maximize resources
  • Willingnes to work during peak hours, including nights, weekends and holidays
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • 30 years old max
  • Bachelor of Laws, excellent in English, marketing, and journalism
  • Proven experience as a copywriter or related role
  • Knowledge of inline content strategy and creation
  • Excellent writing, editing and proofreading skills
  • Experience with SEO
  • Creative, collaborative and have strong research skills
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • Bachelor of Law, 30 years old max
  • Excellent written and verbal communication
  • Exceptional leadership skills and High attention to detail
  • Knowledge of all applicable laws, rules and regulations
  • Understand and can provide all data for online submission system – OSS RBA
  • Strong negotiation skills
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • 30 years old max
  • Restaurant experience (preferred)
  • High School or diploma degree
  • Basic math skills
  • Customer service skills
  • Friendly disposition and strong work ethic
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • Has expeptional experience in top authentic Italian Restaurant
  • 3+ years experience and ability to manage a large multi-cultural team of staff
  • Be able to manage a kitchen with regards to cost, wastage, H&S, staff training and development
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • Proven work experience as social media manager
  • Hands on experience in content management
  • Excellent copywriting skills
  • Ability to deliver creative content (text, image and video)
  • Solid knowledge of SEO, keyword research and Google Analytics
  • Knowledge of online marketing channels
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Analytical and multitasking skills
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)


Qualifications :

  • 35 years old max and Musci enthusiast
  • Minimum 1 years experience
  • Familiar with digital console mixer
  • Post-production – the balancing, mixing, editing and en hanging of pre-recorded audio
  • Able to works as team
  • Vaccinated COVID-19 (minimum 2 doses)

Benefits :

  • Basic Salary
  • Service Bonus
  • BPJS

Baca Juga Lowongan Kerja D3 lainnya 

Tata Cara Pendaftaran:

Bagi yang memiliki kualifikasi dan berminat ingin melamar di perusahaan ini silahkan daftarkan diri kalian melalui email:

Hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, karena lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis.

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