Gokerja ID
Beranda SARJANA (S1/S2) Lowongan Kerja PT ISS Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT ISS Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja PT ISS Indonesia. PT ISS Indonesia adalah perusahaan Integrated Facility Service yang terbaik dan terbesar di Indonesia dengan cakupan layanan atas Facility Services ( cleaning service, office support service, gardening & landscaping, Integrated Pest Management, building maintenance service, indoor air quality service, wash room service, portable toilet service) , Acces Control ( security service ) , Catering Service, Parking Management Service.

Informasi lowongan kerja menjadi salah satu informasi penting bagi para pencari kerja, serta bagi perusahaan. Gokerja.id sebagai salah satu portal online yang berfokus pada media informasi seputar lowongan pekerjaan di Indonesia. Gokerja.id hadir dengan tujuan menjadi salah satu media informasi yang terpercaya untuk mempermudah Jobseker mendapat informasi pekerjaan & untuk mempercepat rekruiter mendapatkan kadidat yang sesuai.

Buat kalian para jobseker sebelum melamar baiknya baca dengan baik informasi lowongan kerja yang ada, pahami isinya dan pastikan kalian sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa pula untuk mengikuti tata cara pendaftaran yang telah di tentukan oleh rekruter. Tahapan melamar kerja umumnya ada 3 : Pendaftaran (CV dan kelengkapan sesuai kualifikasi), Seleksi Tes (), dan Tahap akhir . di kelas karir, semua hal, Psikotes dan kunci jawaban interview bisa kalian pelajari didan bisa di order dengan .

Lowongan Kerja PT ISS Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah informasi lowongan kerja dari PT ISS Indonesia , baca dengan baik posisi dan kualifikasi serta tata cara pendaftarannya.

ISS Global Management Trainee Programme 2022

About this programme :

  • ISS Management Trainee Programme is a stepping-stone for people who are ambitious and talented with management potential to become the leader of the future in an international company. This acceleration program is designed for the best candidate to gain access to career development at every level in the company. This program offers a variety of comprehensive training to prepare potential future leaders in the wide scale of the service industry. Once you have completed the program, you will be offered a management position with the expectation that you will move to the senior manager level
    In the intensive 18 months period, you will encounter a new journey by experiencing how all divisions work

The Acceleration Programme :

  • You will gain experience working through all the operations and support functions departments to develop your leadership skills to manage high-complex local or global clients
  • An international placement and assignment to a different country to get insight into our global footprint
  • Management Trainees Meetings and Workshops to expand connections from ISS’s higher-level leaders
  • Opportunities to connect with a high-profile member of our CEO, Country
  • Leadership Team as your coach and mentor that will lead to the best career development in the service industry globally

Qualifications :

  • Minimum holds a bachelor’s degree (S1) from any major in reputable universities, having a work experience is a plus
  • Fluent in English, both verbal and written
  • Willing to be placed/assigned in whichever unit/branch office in ISS, following the company’s needs

Baca Juga Informasi Lowongan Kerja S1 lainnya

Tata Cara Pendaftaran:
Bagi yang berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi silahkan daftarkan diri kalian melalui link dibawah ini:

  • Paling lambat 30 September 2022

Hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan, karena lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya alias gratis

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